• Legal Notices

    Site information:
    Whilst every effort is made to ensure the content on the site is up to date, we are reliant on the institutions featured on the site to help us keep the content updated at all times. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible if information provided is sometimes out of date.

    Site support:
    The advice and information offered by the site is impartial. We offer independent support to help find the schools that meet the needs of each individual family. Each family is then ultimately responsible for selecting the school/institution that best meets their needs.

    We are often paid a fee by the school selected by the family, but this does not influence the schools we short list for families, if this is something families ask us to do.

    If a family asks us to help further support their application process, we are happy to help clarify the application process with the selected institution. However, we will never offer legal advice and it is the responsibility of each family to be clear on contractual information, prior to signature, seeking legal advice beforehand, if deemed necessary.
    Specifically UK Education Guide Ltd will not offer advice on issues relating to a Visa applications, as UK Education Guide Ltd is not OISC licensed.

    On the basis UK Education Guide does not offer advice on any legal aspect of any contracts entered into by site visitors, it cannot be held liable in any disputes that arise from contractual disagreements between families, other agents and institutions featured on the site.

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